The Power of Place

by Deborah on September 8, 2009

Anyone who has moved to a new place as a story about how they got there.  When I came to Tucson Arizona in 2001 I heard a voice calling me “Come west, young woman, come West” and at the time I thought I was a young woman.  (It is all relevant, as we say.)  Anyway, my story began with a response to a call and so I did. 

What’s the story behind your move, or before it if you are in the anticipation stage? What are your desires, your epectations. What’s the myth of how you or your life will change.  Work, relationships, home, spiritual community, friends and engagement all shift when we make this geographic move.


For some a move to another place can mean finding your power; others may lose it while exploring some new career or work related opportunities.  Define ahead of time what’s important to you in your life. Can it be met by a geographic change, or does it reuire a life work change? 

Join me and others in discussing this rewarding inquiry.




Tips on Accessing the Power of Place coming soon!


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