Most Enjoyed/ Best Performed Skill Sets and Training Needs
It will be obvious to you that your skills fall into clusters.
These are your skill sets; give them a name that fits or use the Category Titles used in the Inventory.
Then choose eight to ten skill sets that you enjoy most (regardless of the number of checks beside them) and would like to use in your next career move; write them down in rank order in the space provided.
Then make a second list of skill sets that you perform best, and write them down in rank order.
You will choose from both the “most enjoyed” and “best performed” lists for your portfolio of skills sets.
Most Enjoyed |
Best Performed |
Training Needs
The next step is to identify any weaknesses or gaps in your skills that you would like to acquire through some extra training. List your training needs now.
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Thanks for sharing this information. What a great resource.
anything in particular appeal to you?