Career Mangement and Self-Employment Competencies


Rank Your Career Management  and Self-Employment Competencies from1 to 5: 1 being “not at all” and 5 representing “mastery”

_____ 1. Career Assessment – conduct frequent skill/knowledge assessment; create learning goals to remain current and informed about your inner needs and the outer realities; identify, create and communicate with multiple networks from diverse areas for self-marketing purposes.

_____ 2. Self Management – commit to raising your consciousness, demonstrate initiative and progress through adversity; work independently with increasing awareness of the larger community.

_____ 3. Interpersonal and Facilitation – demonstrate insight into motivating human behavior, develop and practice team building, manage conflict and practice negotiation and mediation.

_____ 4. Project Management- the ability to manage and acquire information and resources, broker services through partnering and collaboration; anticipate and trouble-shoot.

_____ 5. Planning and Decision Making – the ability to plan and set goals; establish a structure that encourages individual responsibility; review, select and prioritize criteria.

_____ 6. Leadership – the ability to act as a leader and develop the discipline of building community; be committed to aligning various courses of action that will empower individuals; be willing to co-create and share the results.

_____ 7. Computer Technology – knowledge and practice of online resourcing such as Internet and Email community accessibility, data-base management and retrieval and word-processing.

_____ 8. Growth & Development – creation of a plan and identification of resources to realize your goals of continuous learning to become all you can be and realize your potential.

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