Discover your life story and experience the power of your words and wisdom

JUMPSTART or DEEPEN your Personal Creativity, your Spiritual Journey,
and your Writing Practice
Presented by Deborah Knox, Life Work Transitions
Are you ready to discover your life story and write about your past with an eye to your future? Explore significant life events from Childhood, Adolescence, the Turbulent 20’s and a favorite mentor and guide. Writing and sharing your stories with others increases confidence in your writing and creativity in your day to day living. This popular class is being offered again, and you are encouraged to sign up early.
Thursday, September 24, October 8 and 22, November 5 and 19, December 3, 2020.
1:30 – 3:30 via Zoom
What is a Personal Storyline?
Writing about what’s most important to you, or as close as you can is the intention of crafting a spiritual autobiography. When you write from that core you’re dealing with what is essential and central to your life’s experience. Over 100 participants have rated this as a profound exploration of one’s spiritual journey into core values, while providing new direction, meaning and purpose. Deep listening occurs while stories are read.
Whether you’re writing for yourself or others, your spiritual autobiography, memoir or legacy will be a turning point for you in your life journey.
For more information and to register, contact Deborah at 520 780 3834 or email Deb Knox here. Deborah Knox has been facilitating Writing your Spiritual Autobiography groups for over 30 years. She is the author of PUT YOUR SPIRIT TO WORK; and offers individual coaching on career change, transitions, legacy, purpose and meaning.
FEES: Pay by check, made out to Deborah Knox, $200.00. For more information, please see my website
What participants have to say…
I liked the progression of classes- doing the time line and writing the exercises provided a good foundation for expanding and doing the SA. I LOVED the handouts and quotes and read them several times. They were so beautiful, profound, and moving. -JG
Good memories trump the bad ones. -ES
SA has changed my life. By writing about my early childhood experience I was able to look at those early years in a different light. I was finally able to feel the emotions that had been blocked for so long. I have a new relationship with my sister and we actually are having conversations. -WS
The best part was listening to everyone else’s story and finding a piece in each one that echoed my experience. AG
Your facilitation is like silk on water. -MH
SA isn’t so much about where we’ve been as much as receiving guidance about where we are going. -ES
Reading to the group and receiving full attention and feedback is so valuable… it actually shifts my feelings about my writing, which is a good thing and in the right direction. -PP
We become “more accepting of the past and it makes us less fearful of the future.” -ES
These classes helped me to balance my perspective of the ups and downs and helped me realize Spirit has always been there for me. I gained a special appreciation for the young girl I once was. It also helped me realize the influences that nudged and guided me. -AB
I so appreciate the sense of safety and respect you created, allowing more of me to express. The depth of insight you provided was remarkable and the ability to have a safe space for sharing invaluable. -JG
I appreciated the guidance and insight you provided. You helped create a safe environment for sharing and I especially appreciated my classmates contributions. I learned thru their life stories and felt honored and blessed to be a part of this special moment. This has been incredibly helpful and fascinating and is a gift that “keeps on giving.” -TD
For more information go to or email Deb Knox, or 520 780 3834