Lifework Transitions

The new Employment Reality requires not only the portfolio of skills mentioned last week, but also a better understanding of the career lattice which has replaced the career ladder. Individuals who want to get ahead will be on the lookout for projects that help them increase the skills in their portfolio which might result from […]

Today’s workplace requires a new set of skills. But it’s not all that new. In 1970, Richard Bolles wrote the first edition of What Color is Your Parachute? My mentor, John Crystal wrote Where do I Go From Here With my Life? in 1974.  The concept of creating our own work, versus finding jobs was […]

Poets, dancers, psychologists and philosophers talk about the value of finding meaningful work that allows the full expression of who we really are.  This tool – answering the question “Is this the Path for you?” is designed to separate the seekers from the doers. I am looking to assist those of you who will not […]

Do you feel emotionally stuck sometimes? Do you wonder why you’re still feeling lost or angry about a recent change in your employment status?  If so, you will benefit greatly from understanding why the STAGES of Transition are important to you based on where you are right NOW. Many of the tools in this book […]

When we’re in a transition (a career transition or a mid-life transition) we lose the familiar definitions, roles and even our daily routine which previously defined who we are. So, the first question I hear people asking when in a transition is WHO AM I? and the second question is WHY AM I HERE? And […]