This is what I call the “week between worlds” – between Christmas and the New Year. It’s always been a time of introspection and reflection, and REAL down time – reading books, going to movies, sleeping, doing NOTHING. But there are always the expectations aren’t there, of all that could be accomplished with this “down […]
December 2009
If you’re wanting to get out of a bad situation think of the possibilities of increasing your comfort level in risk-taking. 1.Increase your ability to sniff out, sense or recognize an opportunity (often from unlikely sources) which is why it often feels like a risk 2. Not having all the information about either the pros […]
Do you think of yourself as a risk-taker? And if so, what kind of risk taker are you? Are you “high risk”, eg, willing to jump in with both feet confident all will work out. Or are you a moderate risktaker – who gathers information and weighs the pros and cons and then makes a positive […]
There are lots of good reasons for making a career change – but especially at midlife. It helps to blow away a lot of the stereotypes people have of mature adults. There is something to be said for staying in a job too long – and most people do that. They usually stay for the […]
What’s your biggest one? It’s barely been 3 weeks since my employment situation changed and my position was eliminated. Thank goodness I was clear on my personal purpose as stated in an earlier blog, but also that I had so many networking and social media in place. I find it exciting using the technology media […]